Dr. Nadia+ Hair Growth Blend .jpg
Clean Beauty Hair Growth Dr. Nadia.jpg
Dr. Nadia+ Hair Growth Blend .jpg
Clean Beauty Hair Growth Dr. Nadia.jpg



Dr. Nadia’s GROW essential oil blend.

Organic essential oils of:

  • Peppermint

  • Rosemary

  • Thyme

Peppermint essential oil has been shown to promote hair growth and thickness, it also elongates the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle (the phase where hair is growing) . Rosemary promotes circulation to the hair follicle stimulating growth and providing antioxidants (important for neutralizing damage from oxidative stress which worsens hair loss). Thyme also promotes circulation aiding with delivery of nutrients from the blood to the scalp and is antimicrobial making it useful against dandruff. It is important to keep the scalp free of build up so follicles are able to “breathe” and hair can grow. Both peppermint and rosemary essential oils also block DHT, a more potent form of testosterone, which is responsible for androgenic alopecia (aka male/female pattern loss)

As a hair mask:

  • 4-5 drops mixed in to a quarter sized amount of carrier oil of choice. I like castor oil because it is also associated with hair growth but you can use any carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba.

  • or add 4-5 drops to your favorite hair mask right before applying!

In shampoo:

  • Add 10-20 drops (depending on size of your shampoo bottle and quantity in it) shake well before use.

Keep in mind, hair is tricky and complex- there are many factors that influence hair growth and hair fall both internally and externally, feel free to book a complimentary consultation to learn more.

While this was formulated for hair, its a great blend that can be used topically for pain (rosemary and peppermint are great for headaches- great when used with my gua sha to relieve muscle tension), to temples when studying/working to promote memory, part of a nebulizer solution or steam inhalant for upper respiratory illness symptoms.

Please note this should be diluted in a carrier oil before applying to the skin or scalp. You can use with Dr. Nadia’s Castor oil or any other organic oil such as coconut or jojoba.

Not to be used with children under 5 years old.

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