


If you have worked with me or follow me, you know I use castor oil for just about EVERYTHING. From face and hair masks to castor oil packs on the liver for detoxification, as a growth serum for my eyebrows and eyelashes.. and so much more!

Castor oil has been used for centuries because of its many properties. Traditionally, it was taken orally as a laxative but I don’t recommend that! There are many benefits from the external use without any of the discomfort of taking it orally.

It comes from the Ricinus Communis plant, specifically the seeds of the plant. The main fatty acid is called Ricinoleic acid and it is considered anti-inflammatory and analgesic (aka pain relieving) in nature, when applied topically.

Some of the ways you can use castor oil:

  • As part of a castor oil pack to decongest lymphatic flow and aid in improved detoxification

  • As a hair mask to support hair health and growth (you can mix in some drops of my Grow Essential oil blend to further aid in hair growth)

  • As a serum for eyebrows and eyelashes

  • Mixed with a clay mask to draw out any congestion on the skin

  • As a compress mixed with epsom salts applied to areas of pain

As with most oils, it is important that they are kept in a dark place and not exposed to bright light as this can oxidize the oil and make it rancid more quickly. Castor oil is known to draw out toxins so it is important that it is not kept in plastic. This is why my castor oil is in a dark amber bottle that is glass. It is also organic and hexane free, cold pressed and made in small batches.

**not to be used in pregnancy as this can induce labor.

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